Friday, January 12, 2007

Happy 1 month old to Pea

Today marks Pea's 1 month old... Happy 1 month old Pea

You've grown to be more 'manja' everyday... you need people to carry you and pat you and walk around in order for you to sleep. Mummy can do that only when you are super drowsy; else Mummy will have to feed you again and again...

Weight: 4.33 kg (up more than 1 kg from birth weight)
Height: 52 cm (up about 4 cm from birth height)
Head Circumference: 37 cm (up 3 cm from birth head circumference)

Dr. Foo said that you are above average (just like your sister)... but above all, you are a healthy and strong girl, with good reflexes.

You had a jab today, with Dr. Foo's expertise, you gave out one loud cry... and that's all. You are such a good girl... and Daddy, Mummy and Pie Jie Jie love you so much!

(These were taken few days b4 her 1 month old)

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