Sweetie Pea: Pregnancy & Labor tales
2 years have past, and I realized that I would love to have another baby. Therefore, during our 3rd wedding anniv, we decided to go on a holiday in Sabah.
My pregnancy in a nutshell
My 2nd pregnancy was by far more worst than my 1st one. My 1st trim was totally non-stop vomitting, until I keep complaining to my gynae whom then prescribe me some medicine. Doesn't seemed to work though. Coming on the 2nd trim, it all came to a stop, and all the kgs that I've lost then, was piling up again (as usual). Armed with experience and knowledge, I didn't pay much attention to this pregnancy. Moveover, I was bogged down with work and it was a stressful time. The only difference I had this time was leg pain and occasionally leg cramps. Had fainting spells once in a while, which made me think that I could be delivering early.
My labor
As my 1st born was 3 weeks early, I assumed that this one would be the same. Thus nearing to 3 weeks before due date, I was anxious to see my newborn. Kept asking my gynae whether can I deliver, and his answers where always "Induce lor". My answer back to him then was "Let mother nature takes its course then", which he do agree.
I had contractions on and off, and I was thinking, maybe it's time. But it was all false alarms. Just a week before my due date, during midnight, I had contraction again. This time I felt that it was time, as I was shivering and colder than ever. Woke hubby up, and told him that maybe we should go to the hospital. He carried Pie to PIL's room and off we went to the hospital.
12+ am:
Admitted to the hospital. Similarly, was strapped to the machine to listen to baby's heartbeat and checking on the contractions. This time around, I was only 1cm dilated. Long night to go again. Nurse advised to catch some sleep and call her if anything. Couldn't sleep a wink, though hubby had don't know how many chapters by morning.
6+ am:
By the time I could sleep, I was awaken half an hour later. Nurse came to check and still it was 1cm dilated. Was then given the liquid to clear motion.
7+ am going 8am:
Breaskfast time. Nurse asked whether I want to take epidural. She scared me by saying that if I don't decide now, and want it later on, I could wait for hours... With that in mind, I told her "Yes, yes, I want to take epidural now."
8+ am:
Was given epidural (and induced at the same time), and this time I could feel the stinging sensation (couldn't feel it last time, maybe because I was concentrating more on my contractions then). As I was still 1cm dilated only, I couldn't help thinking whether would my cervix dilate some more or not (I've had 2 friends whom took the epidural early and their cervix couldn't dilate, thus had to go through c-sect). Was thinking that I don't want to go through c-sect...
12+ pm:
Gynae broke my water bag... supposedly to let the contractions be more intense to hasten the labor. A nurse came in to clear my bladder... and from then I could feel the contractions coming (obviously not painful as I've taken epidural). Prayed that my contractions would come faster so that I don't have to go through c-sect (whoever goes through such prayers ?).
2+ pm:
Had intense pain (don't know why this time around I could feel the pain, eventhough I took epidural). Kept calling out for the nurse, and they checked and said that I was around 8-9cm dilated. Just a while longer... Then I had the urged to push (feeling was more like wanting to pass motion)... Called the nurse in again, and she said it's fully dilated. Then off she went again... I had to wait for about 20 mins, with the urge of pushing... which made me think what if I really pushed and the baby comes out and nobody is around to help ? Luckily, a while later, my gynae came in... Just 1 push (imagine I told them I forgot how to push ?), and Sweetie Pea came to the world...
My labor in a nutshell
In labor (from being induced): 6 hours
Whoever said that 2nd one will be faster is not true. Maybe theirs is, but definitely not mine.