Friday, February 16, 2007

Pea's 2nd month

Sweetie Pea is now 2 months old. Happy 2 months old to Pea.

Vital Stats:
Weight: 5.3 kg (up more than 1 kg from 1st month)
Height: 56 cm (up about 4 cm from 1st month)
Head Circumference: 38 cm (up 1 cm from 1st month)

Dr. Foo said that she is very strong and responsive (she cooed and smiled at him when he checked her). She usually don't do that to strangers, but I still have the feeling that Dr. Foo is super good with kids (I liked the way he handles Ashley, talked to her, let her play with the toys, and keep smiling and so gentle).

She's now using the sleeping bag that was won by Pie previously (sad to say that Pie had not slept in it before). And with it, she feels more comfortable and secured that she can sleep for about 5 - 6 hours (from 10 - 4), and then every 3 hours after that (super sharp).

To Pea:
You like to smile and laugh a lot these days. Mummy has been talking to you a lot (compared to the rest, it is a lot), and you do recognize me and my voice. Once I call you, I will get a smile back... For that, Mummy calls you "Cheerie Lil' Girl" You love people to talk to you, and you will coo back, like you do understand what we are talking about and that you are answering. It is amazing watching you grow up.

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