Monday, January 15, 2007

Welcome to Ashley's show

Yesterday, Ashley gave us a performance (eventhough she had the sniffles :))

She went up a bean bag (assuming it was a stage I guess), and using her hand as a microphone, she started this:

"Ladies and gentleman, Welcome to Ashley's show."

Then she started singing "Twinkle, twinkle, little star"...

At the end of the show, we clapped our hands, and she said "Thank you! Thank you!"

I was amazed at how she does the entire thing, since nobody claims to have taught her to do that. MIL said maybe it's due to all the cartoons she's exposed to (yeah I know, she actually watches too much TV)... but hey... she gets good education from there... Look at how she's turned out to be.


Anonymous said...

Clap, clap, clap, 3 cheers for our tiny tot's rise to 'star'-dom ... twinkle, twinkle, twinkle. Soon, must edit TV programmes - National Geo may be a safe choice. Then, she can tell you more on Nino, rhino, and volcano!! Last lecture on anatomy for Pea was 'L-E-G'; what's next??

My Sweeties said...

Once turned to Nat Geo, she'll asked to watch cartoon. For Pea, it started with my famous & fav word 'Mummy'. Then went on to 'Daddy', 'Ashley' and just added 'Hayley' today. She does have more patience n concentration than Pie.

Anonymous said...

next, next, next .... s-i-n-g-a-p-o-r-e a-h y-e-e

My Sweeties said...

Wah, so long arr ? She won't be interested... Doesn't matter... she'll know how to call you sooner or later, just like Pie :)